Friday, January 21, 2011

Registration Hesitation

Last weekend Sean and I went to Babies R Us to do our baby registry. [Incidentally, it really bothers me the way that store makes the R backwards. It's stupid.] Anyhow, so we went to do the registry, which I was a little worried about because although Sean is generally a very (very) patient man, shopping trips like this are the kryptonite to his usually resilient patience. The woman handed us a scanner and a book that told us what we'd need as new parents (how nice of them), and sent us on our way.

First stop: infant feeding. Why, oh why, do they make this so stinking complicated? I was on the verge of a meltdown when faced with a wall of breastfeeding implements. Oh my gosh- what the hell is a nipple shield? How do I know if I need it? Thankfully, I had done some research about which breast pump is best for a working momma, otherwise, that would have been overwhelming as well. And then we got to the bottles section. Did you know there are different sorts of bottles for different aged children? And, they're all mixed together on the shelves in the store? Oh, Babies R Us, you are a very annoying experience. I imagine that if you've had a baby before, it's all very easy, but for Sean and I, this was like one of the seven circles of hell. Truly. As a result, our registry has one bottle on it. One. That should be enough, right? Thankfully, a friend of mine who has a baby is going to meet me there on Saturday so I can fix that portion of my registry. And, even if no one buys me bottles, at least I'll have had a tutorial about what the hell I'm going to need to feed this kid.

You're probably getting worried that I'm going to bore you with the details of the whole experience, but honestly, once we left the infant feeding area, it was not so bad at all. Dare I say, it was almost fun. Almost. All told, we were in there for about 2 or 3 hours, and Sean did not complain once. Not once. I was very impressed. I can't say we did a perfect job (we weren't nearly as thorough as the couple who was in the stroller area for a full hour- omg- I think I'd kill myself), but I think we at least know what we'll need. Or not. Whatever.

The one last observation I'll make about the whole process is that store sure thinks you need a lot of crap to have a baby. Goodness.

As time ticks closer to my due date (only 64 days to go!), I am getting so excited. I feel little swimmy move around a lot in my tum these days. He's very active. I think after it's all said and done, I'll miss having my little guy with me all the time. He's getting really big. He's now about 3.5 pounds and 18 inches long (nearly as long as he'll be when he's born). My little tracker thingie says baby's as big as a head of lettuce, but I've never seen a head of lettuce that's a foot and a half long. I think the produce references are total shite, if I'm being honest about it. Swimmy's also getting fatter and shedding the hair that grew over his body to keep him warm. I hope he's a big baby- mostly because it means I'm not as big of a hoss as I seem (my weight gain is definitely on the high end of recommended). But the major development this week is his brain. So, I've been eating lots of protein and taking my fish oil so our little man's brain is full o' smarts. [You hear that, kid, mom and dad are public servants, so keep that brain developing so you can get a college scholarship.]

Starting tomorrow, I begin the 8th month of pregnancy! And in only 5-6 weeks, I will technically be full term. So wild. I am really really excited to meet my little guy.

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