Monday, November 29, 2010


So I have reached the point where I'm bored with this whole pregnancy thing. The baby's arrival is still 4 months away, and it seems like I have been pregnant forever. I mean, I know it hasn't really been forever, but 6 months feels like a long time to me. I am kind of sick of thinking about all things pregnancy-related, am nauseated at the idea of being huge and round for another 16 weeks, and am darn tired of having the least exciting social life ever. I mean, who wants to spend New Year's Eve with a sober basketball with legs? Not me, that's who.

Sean's a good sport, and he's very encouraging- always telling me how pretty I still am (liar) and making nice with my tum. But I wonder how long that will last. I mean, eventually he's gonna get sick of it too. I mean, I'd be annoyed if Sean all of a sudden packed on 20-30 pounds and started being a giant emotional stick in the mud. What? I'm just being honest.

So that's where I'm today. Maybe it's a tritophan hangover or mashed potato and gravy overload. I don't know. I do know that I would like to sock all those women who think pregnancy is this great glorious sunshine and puppies, rainbows and ice cream sort of experience. Blow it out your butt, I would say to them. [Sorry, dear readers, if any of you happen to be that sort of woman- know that I'm just a bitter round person].

I'd love to tell you about the baby this week, but I just don't have the energy to force excitement about it at the moment. Give me twenty minutes. I'm sure the emotional roller coaster I'm on will have me in a different mood by then.

Monday, November 22, 2010

T minus one month til the last trimester

Folks, we are seriously in the business of being pregnant. Baby is now officially 22 weeks and 2 days old. I'm in my 23rd week of pregnancy, and there are only 17 weeks to go. Time is a funny thing. It seems to go so slowly most times, and then, when you take a moment to consider it, poof! Nearly six months have gone by.

I am getting quite round these days. I think Sean is definitely still adjusting to seeing me look like this, and I'm not quite sure whether he's amused, perplexed, or what. I myself am ready to be done with all this roundness and have my normal shape back. You know, I was just telling a girlfriend today that I have never thought of myself as particularly trim, but I was looking through baby bump pictures from early in my pregnancy, and boy, I tell you what: I would give my right arm to have that body again now. Just goes to show what a little perspective will do for you.

However, I am mindful that as my body grows, so does little Swimmy. So I'm willing to sacrifice vanity in the name of a healthy baby for at least a few more months. In the meantime, I will do a belly picture post soon so ya'll can check out my round-osity for yourselves.

Speaking of baby, this week, depending on which website you go by, baby is either the size of a papaya (feel like we already had this one before), a large mango (know we had this one before), or a doll (weird). He's a little over a pound, and he's about 11 inches long. He will begin to grow exponentially this month. Within four weeks' time, his weight will have doubled (let's hope mine doesn't follow suit). He's actually big enough now to be able to hear his heartbeat with a stethascope. I actually bought an app for my iphone that works like a stethascope through the phone's microphone and speaker system, and I'm pretty sure I heard baby thump, thump, thumping in there, but I can't be sure cause Sean and Phin were wiggling all around. So it could have been dog/husband I was hearing. Will listen again and update you soon. I know you're all practically holding your breath you're so excited.

Guess that's all for now. More when something exciting happens. Oh, next prenatal appointment is next Thursday.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Worries, Flatulence, and Other Scary Topics

Lately, I am consumed with worry. Ok, ok, Sean, I will be honest: I am always consumed with worry. But seriously, you guys, this time it's really bad. Here's what's eating this knocked up wife. Two weeks ago, I had some abdominal pains. So, being the worry wart I am, I called my doctor for some reassurance. His staff told me to come on in for an exam. Everything appeared to be going just swimmingly (ha! get it?), and I was sent along my way with strict instructions to go home and rest and not go to the gym for a few days. I complied, though honestly, I need my little exercise. Makes me feel better about myself. Even if the scale keeps creeping (not so slowly) upward.

Anyway, the next day I head to work, and I feel that same abdominal pain again. Worried, I head to the bathroom, where I discover that the pain is merely gas. GAS. Are you freaking kidding me?! I went to an emergency doctor visit cause I had to toot. Super. Well, it turns out, gas is no joke when you're pregnant. I have never ever felt pain like that before. It was like I could feel the gas IN MY ARM PIT! It was truly one of the most excrutiating feelings ever. I'm sure the old husband loved it as well.

So, yeah. There's my embarrassing story for you.

In other news, Mr. Swimmy is the size of a spaghetti squash this week. Which, while not so very delectable, is HUGE. I believe that he tops the scales at nearly a full pound this week. That's like a box of sugar. Pick one up next time you're in the grocery store, and imagine that rolling around and doing aerobics in your belly. Pretty amazing. Especially because it was so tiny just a few months ago. Literally just a ball of cells in July.

Anyway, all appears to be sailing smoothly for the moment. The one thing I'm looking forward to is Thanksgiving. Maternity pants = a fat girl's new BFF.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Twentieth Week (even if I am a teensy bit late)

Last week was a very exciting week for us. We had our second trimester anatomy scan, and we found out that our little alien is a baby boy alien. We're thinking we're going to name him Christopher Scott, and we'll call him Scott. Or Christopher. But I think Scott. Sean keeps joking that I'm going to waffle back and forth until the child is actually born. He's probably right. Either way, baby Jones will be named after my father, Scott, and Sean's father, Christopher.

This week baby bones is the size of a small canteloupe--speaking of which, this is the last week baby Jones will be measured with his crown to rump length. Starting later this week, baby's little legs will start stretching out, and he'll be measured from head to feet.

Apparently our little guy is bigger than usually- well, longer than usual, I should say. This doesn't really surprise me given Sean's height and my family's height. Lots of girls tell me I'm tall, but I'm actually the shrimpy of my family. My parents and sister (and my maternal grandparents) were all very tall. I am more like my paternal grandmother's size, though I believe she was more petite than I. The ultrasound technician didn't really seem too surprised by baby Jones' size though--once she had a look at Sean, who is very tall indeed.

For me emotionally and physically, I feel great. My baby bump is starting to show, making me look far less chunky and far more pregnant, which I am loving. Emotionally, it's exciting to be halfway done with my pregnancy. I am very much looking forward to meet little Mr. Jones (though please, no early appearances--I'd like to avoid any preterm labor).

That's all for now. Oh, and as punishment for my dilatory blog postings, there will be another embarrassing story for you all to enjoy later this week. Sigh. Story of my life these days.