So, this week begins the final countdown of the first trimester. Little swimmy is the size of a large lime this week, and he or she will begin to grow exponentially in the next couple of weeks now that we're officially out of the embryonic stage and into the fetal stage.
I myself am (knock on wood) feeling less morning sickness these days, though I still wonder where the hell I put my get up and go. It is incredible how exhausted I am all of the time. It's like I've been working out like mad. I just want to sleep. Lately, I've even taken to an hour nap during my lunch break, which is more than a little pathetic. Mostly the only nausea I feel is if I go too long in between meals. My stomach gets p!ssed off and let's me know that, hey, it's freaking time to eat. We're starving in here. Ok, ok. Don't get your panties in a bunch. Down the ol' hatch.
We had another ultrasound last week, and little swimmy was wiggling all over in there, flailing his or her little arm buds all around. Must like English muffins and strawberry jam. What can I say, he or she has good taste. The ultrasound technician said everything looks ok. As you can see from the picture above, baby has a giant head (any of you who know the hubs and I know where this comes from- we both have fiveheads), little arm bods, and what looks like a pea pod for a lower half. All in all, it sort of looks like a little chicken tender to me. Mmm. Chicken tenders.
The only weird thing about the ultrasound is they had to do it internally again. BLAH. File this under questions you don't want asked before 9 am: "Are you allergic to latex?" Sigh, no. Apparently, I've got quite a tippy uterus. Awesome. Hopefully I don't wind up with a baby bump coming out of my back. Wouldn't that be tricky to shop for?