Wednesday, March 23, 2011

39 week appointment

So this morning, I met with my doctor, and he did the usual. Here's the lowdown--

Baby's heartbeat: oscillated between 170 and 140s- he must really like FiberOne (Thanks, Stephanie, for the tip about loads of fiber prebabeh. Apparently, should one not be inclined to up their fiber intake, it can be quite unpleasant for a few days after birth. Having experienced this in the first trimester, I'm not really excited to do it again. Hence, the FiberOne.)

Momma's blood pressure: Normal. No preeclampsia for me. No swelling in my ankles either. Actually, that's like the one thing that hasn't (thankfully) gotten larger. Doctor was a little concerned about my headache until I informed him that, being the giant klutz I am, I hit my head the other day putting my shoes in my locker before a walk. Please pray for me to have more grace when it comes to carrying my child.

Weight: Lost 2 pounds. Hallelujia! I am still totally and completely fat, but the scale is moving in the right direction!

Cervix: 2-3 cm dilated; 80% effaced. Doctor says it looks favorable. Whatever that means. Beats the alternative, I suppose. I'd just *hate* to have an unfavorable cervix. :)

Other developments: Doctor wants to induce (didn't even have to ask!) on Saturday. Actually, he wondered if we were available as early as this afternoon! But Sean has loads of work to finish before he takes time off for his paternity leave, and if the truth be known, I have a few loose ends I'd like to tie up before I leave as well. So Saturday it is. Mister Swimmy will be born on his due date!

The emotions I feel? Sounds so cliche, but I can't even describe them! They are overwhelming me and making it hard to focus. I need more time to process this, methinks. Looks like I've got about three days to do that. Am quite excited though to be able to have one last date night with Sean before Swimmy arrives. Dinner and a movie? YES PLEASE!

That's all for now. Say a prayer for Swimmy's safe arrival, please.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see pictures next week! All my best to you, Liz!
